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English Title: Baboona
Poster ID: CL25716
Category: Movies
Year: 1950s
Actor / Director: dir. Martin E. & Osa Johnson
Film Studio: Morro Films
Country: Argentinean
Film Country: American
Approximate Size 43 x 29 inches
Condition: Good
Price: $150

Argentinian release of the 1935 film. In the first half of the 20th century an American couple from Kansas named Martin and Osa Johnson captured the public’s imagination through their films and books of adventure in exotic, far-away lands. Photographers, explorers, naturalists and authors, Martin and Osa studied the wildlife and peoples of East and Central Africa, the South Pacific Islands, and British North Borneo. They explored then unknown lands and, through their films, writings, and lectures, brought back knowledge of cultures thousands of miles away.

Keywords: Baboons,Leopards,Natives,Black Interest,Elephants,Animals