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Original Vintage Poster: Write in for President - Dick Gregory - Mark Lane / Vice President
Poster ID: CL71099
Category: Political/Campaign
Year: 1960s
Country: American
Approximate Size 30 x 22 inches
Condition: Good
Price: $250
In stock

1968, Dick Gregory was a comedian, political satirist, and social activist for civil rights. His comedic performances not only made people laugh, but mocked the establishment. His 1968 presidential campaign was a piece of political satire. Gregory "ran" for President of the United States in 1968 as a write-in candidate of the Freedom and Peace Party, which had broken off from the Peace and Freedom Party. He garnered 47,097 votes. . . . His efforts landed him on the master list of Nixon's political opponents. (source:wikipedia)

Keywords: votes,election,black interest,comedian,politician,civil rights,activism