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Original Vintage Poster: The Prop. talked Jewish sense in the French Quarter. He and his wife went there for two days while he spoke to the New Orleans Art Directors Club. While eating and sightseeing, he went down to the Levy. Mo Lebowitz, Prop.
Poster ID: CL90317
Category: Miscellaneous/Other
Year: 1960s
Country: American
Approximate Size 5 x 23 inches
Condition: Good
Condition Note: Some water damage.

Print from The Antique Press, a letterpress studio owned by Mo Lebowitz’s (1932–2017). "He may have produced his most creative work in the basement of his North Bellmore, Long Island, home as the proprietor, or “Prop,” of the Antique Press, established in 1960... Mo Lebowitz received numerous awards, served on many design juries, and was a frequent (and entertaining) guest speaker. In 2004, he presented the contents of his letterpress shop to the School of Visual Communication Design at Kent State University." (Rochester Institute of Technology)

Keywords: printing press,printer,Hebrew,Jewish interest,typography