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Original Vintage Poster: I wish the bald eagle had not been chosen as the representative of our country: he is a bird of bad moral character... Benjamin Franklin
Poster ID: CL90338
Category: Miscellaneous/Exhibition and Exposition
Designer: Herb Lubalin, Shelly Sacks
Year: 1960s
Country: American
Approximate Size 20 x 14 inches
Condition: Very Good

Complete text reads: "I wish the bald eagle had not been chosen as the representative of our country: he is a bird of bad moral character; Like those among men who live by sharping and rob-bing, he is generally poor, and often very lousy. The turkey is a much more respect-able bird, and withal a true original native of America - Benjamin Franklin." Poster from Herb Lubalin's Iconochrestomathy, a portfolio of typographical posters with quotes. Published by Typographics Communications, Inc and Harlin Quist, Inc., 1966. Featuring featuring an award winning type face FRIZ QUADRATA BY ERNST FRIZ from the 1966 national type face design competition sponsored by the Visual Graphics Corporation.

Keywords: Graphic design,Illustration,Typography,Alphabet,Letter,Typeface,horizontal,quote,Oscar Wilde,feather,fonts,quill,ink,Herb Lubalin, Shelly Sacks